
Passenger Journey 🤝 Travel Marketplace

The Guestlogix platform is a B2B2C product for airlines to generate ancillary revenue. This platform extends an airline’s reach with their passengers - from suggesting helpful products for travellers planning before their trip to experiences after they touch down in their destination.


  • Sole product designer for the early stages and later, senior product designer mentoring a junior designer
  • Leading the design strategy, managing stakeholders and advocating for the user
  • Creation of design system (case study coming soon)
  • UI design oversight across the platform
  • End-to-end design: user research, journey mapping, wireframing, mockups, handoff, etc.


  • 0 to 1 web app design (brand new product)
  • More than a simple app, this must accommodate a user’s comprehensive journey with many touchpoints on a variety of devices throughout a vacation or trip
  • Many marketplaces and subsequently many different checkouts, such as: First-party onboard products like airline food or snacks; 'pick and packed' first-party goods like duty free items; or third-party experiences and services like tours, rideshare, or car rentals.
  • Multi-tenant application that is whitelabeled
  • Travel is inherently complex and chaotic, resulting in a wide variety of user touchpoints

Product Design Strategy

Thorough planning, systems thinking, user-centric design, and rapid iterative cycles are all key to building a good product in an early stage business. I employed these techniques by consistently running journey mapping/process mapping sessions, asking big-picture questions, and conducting design reviews early and often. Other strategies we kept top of mind:
One of many, many user flows.


The shop is customer facing and provides first-party products for sale In addition to a standard e-commerce experience, the shop has additional complexities:
Detailed case study coming soon.
Shop list view and product detail page.

Experiences and Adventures

Compared to the shop, the experiences feature is relatively simple. These products are sourced from a variety of 3rd-party providers and follow a fairly standard checkout design.
Experiences list view and product detail page.

Navigation: Case Study

Determining the navigation style was one of many pivotal decisions. Considering factors such as complexity, usability, and scalability, we conducted user testing to build the best possible navigation.
Link to case study→
Home page and navigation.